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Game Steps

  1. ​Arrange cards on the playing board according to their colour.

  2. Nominate an Auditor, who will be responsible for dispensing points and for ensuring each player adheres to the instructions of the cards they pick up.

  3. Nominate a Monitor, who will be responsible for ensuring all players respect the rules and uphold a spirit of fair play. The Monitor is also responsible for cross-checking each player’s points

  4. Each player chooses their marker and places it on the ‘Start’ space.

  5. Each player receives 100 points initially.

  6. Each player in turn throws the dice. The player with the highest score plays first; the player with the second highest score plays second etc.

  7. The first player to start rolls the dice and moves his or her marker along by the number of spaces indicated by the dice. The player then picks up the top card from the corresponding deck.

  8. The player reads out the card and follows its instructions, losing or gaining points from the Auditor and moving his or her marker as instructed. If a player receives a ‘Case’ card, he or she must choose one of the four available courses of action, pull out the corresponding score for their decision, read out the commentary that comes with the score and receive or lose points accordingly.

  9. The players replace their cards at the bottom of the pile and turn goes to the next player.

  10. The next player rolls the dice…




There are two players: Anna and Michael. Anna goes first, rolls a ‘4’ and moves her marker one space forward onto a space marked ‘Lessons’. She takes the top card off the ‘Lessons learned’ deck and reads it out:


“You mention to your local consultant, whose wife is the daughter of [Kazakhstan’s] Minister of Natural Resources, that you cannot get clearance to participate in a tender for a new license in [Kazakhstan]. In two weeks’ time you hear that your company has been invited to tender. You learn the power of administrative resource. Move forward three spaces.”


Anna moves her marker three spaces forward and lands on a space marked ‘Case’, but Anna’s turn is now over. Now it’s Michael’s turn to roll the dice. He rolls a ‘1’ and moves one space forward to the space marked ‘Case’. Michael takes the top card from the deck marked ‘Case’ and reads it out:


Case 6 - At a social event, you learn from a colleague – the CEO of a marketing company – that the leasing enterprise providing cars to your managers belongs to the sister-in-law of your HR director. Surprised, you make some enquiries that not only confirm this to be the case but also show that your company is the only client of this leasing enterprise. You check both [Russian] legislation and internal company procedures and find that this situation does not qualify as a ‘conflict of interests’ because your HR director and his sister-in-law are not classed as ‘close relatives’. However, you feel uncomfortable. The HR director has been with your company for more than ten years, and although he keeps a somewhat low profile, he is always on top of current issues.


Actions available to you:

  1. You ask your procurement director to organise a tender for transportation services within the next month.

  2. You ask the head of internal audit to conduct an investigation into the issue and report back to you.

  3. You invite the HR director for a conversation, ask him for explanations and request that he removes his sister-in-law’s company from your suppliers.

  4. You send an informal signal to the HR director that you do not like the situation and that you will no longer tolerate it.”


Michael chooses Option 1, pulls out the score card 1 from the case pack and reads it out: “You ask your procurement director to organise a tender for transportation services in the next month. Five companies participate in the tender including the current provider, who submits the best bid and wins. You feel somewhat embarrassed and sense that you are back to where you were. Move two spaces back, gain XX points.”


Michael inserts the score card back in the card, replaces the card at the bottom of the deck marked ‘Cases’, moves his marker two spaces back and collects points from the Auditor. His turn is now over. Anna rolls the dice.

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